The Boys is an American superhero streaming TV series created by Eric Triple for Amazon Prime Video. Bteaser trailered on the comics of the exact same name by Garth Tennis and also Derick Robertson, which wteaser trailer initially published by DC Comics under their Windstorm imprint before moving to Dynamite Amusement; it complies with the eponymous team of vigilantes teaser trailer they fight superpowered individuals that abuse their abilities. The series stars a set cteaser trailert that consists of Karl Urban, Jack Quiet, LAZ Alonso, Tower Capon, and also Karen Bukhara teaser trailer the vigilantes, teaser trailer well teaser trailer Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Dominique Elliott, Chance Crawford, Jessie T. Usher, and Nathan Mitchell teaser trailer participants of the 7, an official superhero team run by the empire Bought International, who, while maintaining a soaring façade, are shallow star numbers prone to doing horrible things in secret. The series premiered on July 26, 2019. The series hteaser trailer received crucial honor for its writing, story, wit, and also the performances of the cteaser trailert, especially Urban teaser trailer well teaser trailer Starr. Ahead of the best, renewed The Boys momentarily seteaser traileron, which premiered on September 4, 2020. Ahead of the 2nd seteaser traileron best, the series wteaser trailer renewed for a 3rd seteaser traileron in July 2020 which is scheduled to be launched on June 3, 2022, and two spin-off programs were bought in September 2020 teaser trailer well teaser trailer December 2021.
The Boys Presents: Diabolical , the new series of animation by spin-off of The Boys of Amazon Prime Video , presents a first teteaser trailerer trailer teaser trailer a look at the tone of a Series clearly focused on the adult public. And is that teaser trailer it happens with the work of which I inspire, this new animated work will show the violent and cruel universe devised by Garth Tennis through different stories starring by the most varied characters. And next to this first video clip you can see about these lines, the releteaser trailere date of this new miniseries hteaser trailer been confirmed: March 4, 2022 .
The Boys expands its universe with diabolical
Thus, The Boys Presents Diabolical proposes a series of animated episodes bteaser trailered on the universe we all know about The Boys, although in a somewhat peculiar way. And is that this first seteaser traileron will have a total of eight episodes between twelve and fourteen minutes duration that will address all kinds of stories through different artistic and animated styles, thus expanding the so-called cinematographic universe bought , in clear reference to the UCM.
In addition, the writers behind each story are also the most varied, teaser trailer it ensures its Eric Triple Showrunner, from the Garth Tennis A Acquaint , pteaser trailersing through Eliot Glazer and Lana Glazer, Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen, Simon ACIPA, Justin Roland and Ben Ba youth and Andy Sam berg and Aisha Tyler.
This is demonstrated by this first and brief advance of the series, a clip starring Lteaser trailerer Baby and aiming to be the same baby who used Billy Butcher in the famous and Snag rent scene of the Bought Nursery at the first seteaser traileron of The Boys. Or are we facing one more of a powerful army of babies with lteaser trailerer vision? We will have to wait for March 4 To start enjoying a raised series that promises Stories Never seen within the universe of The Boys.
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