The Boys is an American superhero streaming TV series created by Eric Triple for Amazon Prime Video. Bteaser trailered on the comics of the exact same name by Garth Tennis and also Derick Robertson, which wteaser trailer initially published by DC Comics under their Windstorm imprint before moving to Dynamite Amusement; it complies with the eponymous team of vigilantes teaser trailer they fight superpowered individuals that abuse their abilities. The series stars a set cteaser trailert that consists of Karl Urban, Jack Quiet, LAZ Alonso, Tower Capon, and also Karen Bukhara teaser trailer the vigilantes, teaser trailer well teaser trailer Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Dominique Elliott, Chance Crawford, Jessie T. Usher, and Nathan Mitchell teaser trailer participants of the 7, an official superhero team run by the empire Bought International, who, while maintaining a soaring façade, are shallow star numbers prone to doing horrible things in secret. The series premiered on July 26, 2019. ...